Send Method (Message Object)
The Send
method sends the message to the recipients via the MAPI system.
objMessage.Send( [saveCopy, showDialog, parentWindow]
Required. The
Message object.
Boolean. If TRUE or omitted, saves a copy of the Message in a user folder, such
as the Sent Messages folder.
Boolean. If TRUE, displays a Send Message dialog box where the user can
change the message contents or recipients. The default value is FALSE.
Long. The parent window handle for the Send Message dialog box. A value
of 0 (the default) specifies that any dialog box displayed is
application-modal. The parentWindow parameter is ignored unless showDialog
is TRUE.
The Send
method is similar to the Update method, except Send ignores the
parent Folder object of the message and saves the message in the current user s
default Outbox folder. Messaging systems retrieve messages from the Outbox and
transport them to the recipients.
Note that the
Send method invalidates the Message object. Attempts to access the
original Message object result in an error. The original Message object does
not have to be set to Nothing, but it should not be used for subsequent
operations. Use a new Message object to obtain the message from the Outbox or
from the Sent Messages folder.
Note that
there is one case in which the OLE Messaging Library does not display the
dialog box when showDialog is set to TRUE: The dialog box is not
displayed when the recipient has a null display name. The dialog box is
displayed for a null recipient (when the Recipient object is set to Nothing).
The following
methods can also invoke MAPI dialog boxes: Delete and Details
methods (AddressEntry object), Options method (Message object), Resolve
method (Recipient object and Recipients collection), AddressBook and Logon
methods (Session object).
See Also
and Sending a Message, Posting Messages
to a Public Folder0.RMQL